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Esther Rodriguez Rodriguez
Fernando L. Rodriguez

Why a Consultant?  Similar "consultant" concepts were formative of the early 90's IT solutions regarding a gamut of issues which are commonplace in any network.  And what I.T. endeavor would be complete without involving plant growth and production?  With the onset of advances not necessarily related to IT hardware/software but more related to nature conceptual disciplines, simplicity, attitude, and harvesting, are not as complicated as they seem and can be addressed in any group, company, network, and yes, even family to maximize circle-security-pathway-press in all three areas ultimately bringing out the desired effect of positive production and attainment of group set desired outcomes.


President and founder of Nandy Lam Consultants, I am dedicated to finding the proper solution in order to bring your company back in focus of its desired outcome and philosophy.

Maven and extremely practical, my closest advisor and teacher.  Mrs. Rubalcaba also has 10+ years of experience while employed as D.E. Supervisor at I.S.C. of Miami.

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